All About Healthy Lifestyle.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Posted by Unknown on 4:52 PM with No comments | Categories: , ,

Often times, we find ourselves complaining about dryness of our skin and ask the question “Why is my skin so bad”? Well, there are a lot of reasons why we tend to have unhealthy skin. Let us take a look at some of the reasons why many individuals suffer from dry, unhealthy skin.


There are instances when the body doesn’t get to utilize the water correctly. Even if you drink more than 8 glasses of water everyday, you may still notice that you have a dry skin. This is because all the layers of our skin may not be able to receive enough hydration. Apparently, drinking enough water is the key to keeping your body hydrated. In case you don’t like the plain taste of water, you always have the option to add lemon or cranberry. Doing so will provide some pH-balancing benefits.
Dry skin is the result of internal dehydration. Now when our body lacks water, internal organs as well as our skin become dehydrated too. If the skin becomes dry, fine lines may start to appear and the overall color of your skin will turn flat. If you ask yourself the question “What should I be eating?”, you should also consider giving your body the right amount of water. This can certainly help you obtain a radiant looking skin.

Lack of Exercise

Regular exercise is not only beneficial to your physical healthy. Truth is, it could even be the answer to the question “Why is my skin so bad”? You should know that the best exercises is very essential to our skin since it helps stimulate the lymphatic system. More importantly, it improves the blood circulation in your body. What most people don’t know is that proper blood flow is very important for healthy glow. It also flues the underlying cells so that they could carry out their functions well.


According to studies, smoking is another reason why people tend to have unhealthy skin. Apparently, it damages the skin by depleting the level of vitamin C in the body. In addition, the harmful substances contained in cigarettes cause the rate at which collagen and elastin are broken down to speed up. Experts highly discourage smoking because it can take out your skin’s moisture, making it more dry and rough.

Poor Diet

Your diet has a significant impact on your skin’s health. So, if food does affect your skin’s condition? Well, you should know that there are foods that can cause dryness of the skin. Before you even pick your daily nutritional meal, make sure you the food won’t make your skin look sluggish. And since the skin is considered a functioning organ, we must supply your body with enough vitamins and minerals. This will help you obtain a fresh and young-looking skin.
Apart from the food you eat, another reason why many people tend to have dry and rough skin is the sun exposure. According to experts, repeated sun exposure can deplete both the elastin and collagen in the body. As the sun can contribute to skin’s dark sports and fine lines, it is very important that you protect your skin from its harmful effects. Make sure you use sun protection creams if you will be under the skin for a long period.


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