All About Healthy Lifestyle.

Monday, September 16, 2013

12:26 AM Posted by Unknown No comments Posted in , ,
Posted by Unknown on 12:26 AM with No comments | Categories: , ,

A dairy product is any food that is produced from the milk of any mammal. Some of the most famous dairyproducts in our market are cow’s milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Dairy food products have a wholesome image through the years and they have become very essential to many people’s daily diet. Through the years many nutritionist and health practitioners have told people about the health benefits of dairy products reason why it must be incorporated in our daily food consumption.

We were always told since childhood that milk and its related food products are essential in our daily dietary requirement and that it can protect us from various illnesses and diseases. However there is a huge bank of scientific research and evidences that show the negative impact of dairy food products in our health. That is why, we will ask ourselves again, “is dairy healthy?”

Recently, there are a number of reports and evidences that show that milk and other dairy products are not that healthy as we think they are. It has been said in many studies that many illnesses can be attributed to the increase and or constant consumption of dairy food products. Due to these reports, several milk advocates have become outrageous and have come into defending the dairy product’s benefits against a cluster of diseases. However, there is also a huge population of traditional consumers who have eliminated milk in their daily consumption. Below are some of the research findings regarding milk and dairy products:
A cow’s natural hormones are stronger than humans. Traces of these hormones can be found in many dairy products which we can unknowingly consume too.
2Cows are most commonly given steroids to increase their milk production. These steroids can be found in many dairy products that can have a negative impact in our health because it can cause hormonal imbalance.
When milk and other dairy food products are metabolized they become acid forming. When a person largely consumes acid forming food products it can put an imbalance on the body’s pH balance. The body’s natural compensation to maintain the normal pH balance may become overused and can lead to bone damage.
Milk contributes in many respiratory illnesses because dairy and milk products help in forming mucous.
*People who have been consuming milk for many years have increased chances to suffer osteoporosis. It is now recommended to get calcium from green leafy vegetables and other calcium fortified food like cereals and juices.
-Dairy products have been linked to arthritis. People with arthritis who eliminated dairy products in their diet had a 50% reduction in their swelling and pain.
 significant amount of cholesterol and fat.
Various cancers like breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers have been linked to consumption of dairy products.

The results of these scientific researches may be surprising as it promotes the elimination of milk and other milk products in our food consumption. Dairy products have become a very common commodity in our kitchens but we must take note there are also other food sources where we can get our need for calcium and other vitamins which is milk is known for. Now, it is most recommended by many nutritionists to consume healthful diet of green leafy vegetable, fruits, and calcium fortified products like cereals to meet our calcium and vitamin D requirement without risking our health.  For more information if dairy or is soy healthy?, you may ask your Holistic Health Practitioner .


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