Posted by Unknown on 12:17 AM with No comments | Categories: Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistics Sydney, how do i detox my body, Is Dairy Healthy, is soy healthy, Why am I overweight
Health buffs have become loyal consumers of soy for a
variety of reasons. Companies of related products have hailed it as one of the
ultimate health foods available. But are we missing something here?
Before we go into the yummy and not so tasty details of
“soy,” let us define first what it really is. Essentially it is a bean that has
sprouted in so many products that people have integrated in their diets like
your nice soy milk, your flavorful soy sauce, and the ever versatile tofu.
Because of the said versatility, it has also been added to other traditional
food types such as cereals, meat products, bread, and more recently in
vegetarian products.
There is a long line of health benefits that the fans of
this food type swear by and is most famous for generously providing protein to
people's diets. It's also touted to provide amino acids which people normally
get from animals. Studies have also discovered that soymilk actually has 75%
more antioxidants compared to its animal counterpart source, a feat that has
made it the preferred source of protein of the diet conscious set.
Add to these, other important nutrient have been found
inside this remarkable source such as fatty acids, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty
acids and fiber. All these benefits have led to the use of soy as a good
substitute for the less-healthy food types available. Like with all things that
seem to be too good to be true, studies eventually found the cracks that have
led to serious doubts on the soy's real nutritional value. That because of the
touted benefits, people have heavily integrated the use of soy in their diets
and this led to some very serious health issues.
Apparently, the isoflavones found in soy might affect your
hormone balance and endocrine system as it interferes with them. Ultimately,
this could lead to reduced fertility for women and the development of breasts
for males (gyecomastia). For the latter, the males are susceptible to this
condition, but only with the large intake of soy.
Horribly so, infants are the ones who are at risk the
most, especially if we're talking about soy formula. Because soy is their only
source of nourishment, their thyroids, reproductive systems, and brains can
easily be targeted. To make it worse, soy formula contains big amounts of
manganese which has already been infamously linked to neurotoxicity and
attention deficit disorder.
Having discussed the alarming side effects,
the biggest in everyone's head is “Is soy healthy?” And the answer is,
it depends on how it's used and the amount of soy that you intake. In fact,
organic fermented soy is good for digestion among other things, but when you
use it with sugar like when it's used in veggie bars, the risks multiply to
alarming levels.
Another answer to “Is soy healthy?” is moderation to benefit from soy healthily. Like any other food type, its consumption should be limited to its organic nature and consumed with restraint, regardless of the supposed benefits that we get from this wonder bean. For more information about soy and its health benefits, click here.
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